Wintersport App

S: At the last winter olympics, this app was for several weeks the number one among the wintersport apps in Germany, Austria and Switzerland. The iPhone app provides daily news updates for olympic games. Infos for every olympic wintersport discipline, pictures, highlights and a summary of the daily happenings.

W: Sometimes the data is not actual and the overview has a good design, but the pictures are compared to the text a little bit too large. The app is also only in the German language available for download.

O: At olympic winter games, one can get daily accurate news and thus stay informed with a few clicks away from wherever one may be during the games - at home, on the road, in an airport, or wherever. It is a powerful tool at a low cost of 0,79 EUR. Download highly recommended

D: Download the wintersport app by Frank Puetter on the iTunes App Store
