SkiResort 2.2

S: The app provides information about 650 Ski-Areas in Europe and the United States. Additionally, it provides information about Snow conditions, Snow quality, open Ski areas, Weather Data, Live-Cam-Data, Prices for ski-Passes, as well as general contact information of Ski-Areas. In spite of all these strengths, there are also a couple of weaknesses associated with the app. The app costs EUR 2,99 in the App Store and given that the app has so many strengths, I think that the app is a very good one to have especially for users who are skiers and snowboarders.

W: The map data quality and the missing map legend make it hard to read and understand the maps.

O: There are multiple options and one has the opportunity to use the app in a variety of languages such as German, English, French, Italian, Spanish and Dutch.

D: The app is available for download in the App Store.


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